Week 2: The Purposes of Drones

Hello Everyone! This week, Professor Siewert, the team and I are waiting to hear back about the proposal for funding through Embry-Riddle. This week, I have been learning to utilize support vector machines (SVMs) and program in the OpenComputerVision software (OpenCV). For week 2, I would like to answer the following question: What is the purpose of a drone? Drones actually have many different applications across the world. I will attempt to provide a few examples, categorize the main uses for drones and explain their relevance to Drone Net. Fully compliant : A drone pilot flies his personal drone around on public lands to film video footage of landscapes. He files a flight plan, follows all drone flight zone regulations, and his drone self reports its location using GPS. Fully compliant : Amazon utilizes cargo drones to deliver packages to customers nearby their distribution facilities. Semi-compliant : A drone hobbyist pilots his personal drone above public la...